Monday, December 3, 2007


and so I'm in wanaka, on the big road trip getting everything into place for the start of the journey, I seem to be on track for the 10th december start date, so pleased to have finished most of the logistics of it all, and I'm over packing boxes right now. For the entire time I've been organising this trip I've really appreciated as well as being blown away by the generosity and enthusiasm of people and companies that I've met along the way and have helped the journey take place. A big thank you to Shane at mountain hardwear, Gwilym at Cactus, Arthur from backcountry cuisine, Summit Gear in Katoomba, Michael and Nathan at Bennets Printing in Katoomba, to the whole crew in the bluies for putting up with me only talking about this journey, and to the numerous people in New Zealand helping me with food drops and logistics. Thank you everyone!!!

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